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About Us

eCosway (launched in 2002) is a rapidly growing international company with headquarters in the prestigious golden triangle of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and thousands of Sales Centres located throughout Asia.

We are a subsidiary of Cosway, Malaysia (founded in 1979), and a member of the Berjaya Group - a top conglomerate in Asia that has companies and investments in several major sectors, such as: Property Investment & Development, Hotels & Resorts, Gaming & Lottery, Financial Services, Consumer Marketing, Retailing, Vacation Time-Sharing Travel, Food & Beverage Establishments and Education.

Our unique business model is an innovative & synergistic balance of 5Ps - Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Profit Plan.

  • Product – We sell a wide range of exclusive, quality products carefully sourced from established manufacturers and researchers from all over the world. We strive to keep abreast of trends and stay ahead of product cycles and come up with new and exciting products to give you the best products and our business owners a competitive edge and sustainable sales.

  • Price – eCosway prides itself in offering quality products at low and competitive prices, resulting in ever-growing sales from new and loyal customers.

  • Place – You´ve probably heard that the key to business success is “location, location, location!” eCosway stores are easily accessible because we strive to place them in high-density residential areas, supermarkets and shopping malls with heavy foot traffic. eCosway´s extensive reach and growing presence give shoppers convenient and easy access to its amazing product range. eCosway also sells online at ecosway.com.

  • Promotion – Attractive promotions help drive sales, draw new customers and enhance customer loyalty. Examples include monthly special promotions, monthly new product offers, discount points and an exciting shopper rewards program.

  • Profit Plan – When you become a business owner, we offer you an unprecedented “no breakaway” profit plan. Each person you introduce becomes part of your branch network. There is no limit on the number of branches or levels in your network. Your branches are never separated from you. There are no geographical boundaries and no limit to the money you can earn. We give you a truly unlimited income potential as your network can grow virtually anywhere in the world.

The Bottom Line: eCosway provides a lucrative opportunity for Business Owners and high quality, competitively priced products for consumers

When you join eCosway, you´re in business for yourself, but not by yourself, because you´re backed by a giant proven company with an incredible track record.