


Specification » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (chin-yeh, 09/05/2011 10:48 AM) → Revision 5/6 (chin-yeh, 09/05/2011 10:50 AM)


 h1. Specification 

 h2. Transaction Code 


 h2. Error Code 


 h2. Table Schema 


 This table stores those events which are needed to submit to VP services. It can also be used to track the status of the submitted events. 

 <code class="SQL"> 
 create table vp_interface ( 
	 id int not null generated always as identity, 
	 process_code varchar(30), 
	 trx_id varchar(30) not null, 
	 trx_type varchar(15), 
	 country_code varchar(10), 
	 member_id varchar(20), 
	 member_name varchar(100), 
	 trx_date varchar(8), 
	 reg_date varchar(8), 
	 expiry_date varchar(8), 
	 vp_amount decimal(10,2), 
	 invoice_amount decimal(10,2), 
	 status varchar(15), 
	 last_updated timestamp, 
	 error_code varchar(10), 
	 error_message varchar(255), 
	 primary key (id) 

 create unique index idx_vp_id_type on vp_interface(trx_id,trx_type); 
 create index idx_vp_status on vp_interface(status); 
 create index idx_vp_err_code on vp_interface(error_code); 