


Programming Guide » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (chin-yeh, 08/10/2011 03:32 PM) → Revision 8/13 (chin-yeh, 08/10/2011 03:40 PM)


 h1. Programming Guide 

 There are number of APIs provided by VP. All of these APIs are wrapped and exposed through a client application, [[documentation#list-of-components|vp-client]]. Refer to the following sub sections for more information. 

 The Javadoc of *vp-client*: 

 The binary or source files of *vp-client*: 
 > [[wiki#SCM|SCM]] 

 Demo application of *vp-client*: 

 h2. VP Registration 

 This method is only applicable for *new registration*, which means the member/shopper ID *is not yet registered* with VP before. 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "performRegistration":,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.math.BigDecimal,%20java.util.Date,%20java.util.Date,%20java.util.Date%29 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of the following fields value: 
 * *process* - For registration, the possible value is *VRegister* 
 * *transactionId* - The unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - The country ID/code that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - To differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online 
 * *memberId* - The member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - The status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000*  
 ** _refer to document:"VP Web Service Format" for other possible status_ 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000*  
 ** _refer to document:"VP Web Service Format" for other possible error code_ 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** _refer to document:"VP Web Service Format" for other possible description_ 

 h3. Code Snippet 

 *Important note:* One should modify the following code to cater existing program so do not copy & paste it directly. 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS2"); 
 TransactionResponse vpResponse = new TransactionResponse(); 

 try { 
	 vpResponse = VPServicesUtils.performRegistration(dbConnection, trxId,  
			 countryId, memberId, memberName, vpAmount, trxDate, regDate, expDate); 

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
   // do not ignore. either log the full stack trace or handle it 
 } catch (SQLException ex) { 
   // do not ignore. either log the full stack trace or handle it 
 } finally { 
	 if (dbConnection != null) { 

 h3. Exception Handling Strategies 

 This method would throws the following exceptions: 
 * *RemoteException* - if there's any issue in communicating with VP 
 * *SQLException* - if there's any issue in persisting or updating the event 
 * *unchecked exception* - e.g. NullPointerException. This is more like a programming errors so do not catch it for whatever reasons. 
 ** _note: catch the *Exception* will catch both checked & unchecked exception_ 

 The above exceptions should never be ignored, at least, the full error stack trace should be logged. 

 h2. VP Renewal 

 This method is only applicable for renewal. The member/shopper ID should have already registered with VP before. 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "performRenewal":,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.math.BigDecimal,%20java.util.Date,%20java.util.Date,%20java.util.Date) 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of the following fields value: 
 * *process* - For registration/renewal, the possible value is *VRegister* 
 * *transactionId* - The unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - The country ID/code that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - To differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online 
 * *memberId* - The member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - The status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000*  
 ** _refer to document:"VP Web Service Format" for other possible status_ 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000*  
 ** _refer to document:"VP Web Service Format" for other possible error code_ 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** _refer to document:"VP Web Service Format" for other possible description_ 

 h3. Code Snippet 

 *Important note:* One should modify the following code to cater existing program so do not copy & paste it directly. 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS2"); 
 TransactionResponse vpResponse = new TransactionResponse(); 

 try { 
	 vpResponse = VPServicesUtils.performRenewal(dbConnection, trxId,  
			 countryId, memberId, memberName, vpAmount, trxDate, regDate, expDate); 

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
   // do not ignore. either log the full stack trace or handle it 
 } catch (SQLException ex) { 
   // do not ignore. either log the full stack trace or handle it 
 } finally { 
	 if (dbConnection != null) { 

 h3. Exception Handling Strategies 

 This method would throws the following exceptions: 
 * *RemoteException* - if there's any issue in communicating with VP 
 * *SQLException* - if there's any issue in persisting or updating the event 
 * *unchecked exception* - e.g. NullPointerException. This is more like a programming errors so do not catch it for whatever reasons. 
 ** _note: catch the *Exception* will catch both checked & unchecked exception_ 

 The above exceptions should never be ignored, at least, the full error stack trace should be logged.