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chin-yeh, 09/23/2011 09:53 AM


List of Components

Name Latest Stable Version Description
vp-stub 1.0-[version] the client stub of the VP web services
vp-client 1.0.3-[version] the client application of the VP web services
vp-test 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT the demo application for vp-client
vp-batch HEAD tag the batch program
where version refer to:
  • SNAPSHOT - for development environment
  • RELEASE - for production environment

Compile from source files

Important Note:

This section is not applicable to vp-batch as its deployment files have to be compiled individually and only upload those which are needed.

All of the projects are built and maintained using Maven 2.

Those projects can be imported into Eclipse IDE but the m2 Maven plugin is needed.

The source files are stored in:


  • Eclipse IDE (optional)
  • Apache Maven 2
  • CVS client, e.g TortoiseCVS, Eclipse IDE
  • Project or module name, e.g. vp-client

All of the project is configured to include development properties files when packaging the binary file. To include production properties files, activate the prod profile.

  1. checkout the project or module using the CVS client
  2. cd to the checkout folder, e.g. vp-client
    • Example:
      $ cd vp-client
  3. execute the maven goal, clean and package:
    • compile for development environment:
      • change the artifact version to x.x-SNAPSHOT
        $ mvn clean package
    • compile for production environment:
      • change the artifact version to x.x-RELEASE
        $ mvn -P prod clean package
  4. if success, the binary file can be found in the target folder

Programming Guide

See Programming Guide

Deployment Guide

Updated by chin-yeh almost 13 years ago · 20 revisions