


Specification » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Soh Keong, 06/19/2012 09:03 AM) → Revision 2/19 (Soh Keong, 06/19/2012 09:15 AM)

h1. Specification 

 h1. Activity Diagram 

 Figure 1 showing the process flow from Russia mall to Uniteller Payment Gateway Page. 

 Figure 2 showing the process flow to get Payment Result from Uniteller Payment Gateway. 

 h1. Programming Guide 

 h2. Resources 

 h3. SCM 

 see [[wiki#SCM]] 

 h3. Classes 

 * **            - CommonConstants, EMoneyType, Language, MeanType 
 * **                - Common, PaymentResponse, Personal, Uniteller 
 * **              - AuthorizationRequestService 
 * **         - AuthorizationRequestServiceImpl 
 * ** - UnitellerInterface 
 * **                - PropertiesUtils, SignatureUtils 
 * *ru.uniteller.type*                          - SOAPStruct_Helper, SOAPStruct 
 * *ru.uniteller.wsd*l                          - Uniteller, UnitellerLocator, UnitellerSoapBindingStub, UnitellerSoapPort, UnitellerSoapPortProxy