


Specification » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Soh Keong, 05/09/2012 10:50 AM) → Revision 8/24 (Soh Keong, 05/09/2012 11:28 AM)

h1. Specification 

 h1. h2. Activity Diagram 

 Figure 1 showing the process flow from Mexico mall to TNS Payment Gateway Page. 
 Figure 2 showing the process flow of TNS Payment Gateway redirect back to Mexico Mall. 

 h1. h2. Programming Guide 

 h2. h3. Resources 

 h3. SCM *SCM* 

 see [[wiki#SCM]] 

 h3. Classes 

 * **        - CommonConstants 
 * **          - Transaction, TransCommon, TransResponse 
 * **        - TNSService (interface) 
 * ** - TNSServiceImpl (implementation of interface) 
 * ** - TNSInterfaces (Data Persistence) 
 * **          - SecureHash, URLUtils 
 * **     - SecureHashTest, URLUtilsTest (JUnit Test) 

 h3. properties file 

 * **  

    # ** - table name of TNS interface 

 * ** 
 * ** 

    # *vpc_Version*          - The version of the Virtual Payment Client API being used. 
    # *vpc_Command*          - Indicates the desired operation to be performed. 
    # *vpc_AccessCode*       - Authenticates the merchant on the Payment Server. 
    # *vpc_Merchant*         - The Merchant ID identifies the merchant account against which settlements will be made.  
    # *vpc_SecureHash*       - A secure hash which allows the Virtual Payment Client to authenticate the merchant and check the integrity of the Transaction Request. 
    # *vpc_SecureHashType* - The type of hash algorithm used to generate the secure hash. 
    # *vpc_ReturnAuthResponseData* - Specifies whether the authorisation response data must be included in the Transaction Response.