


BankFile » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Soh Keong, 07/31/2012 05:23 PM) → Revision 7/10 (Soh Keong, 08/09/2012 02:55 PM)

h1. Bank File 

 This is an offline application that will generate total 4 files. 
 # Banamex bank file (text file) 
 # Others bank file (text file) 
 # Banamex bank finance Report (csv file) 
 # Exception Report (csv file) 

 h2. Properties file 

 # *user* - database user 
 # *password* - database password 
 # *dbUrl* - database url (jdbc:db2://{IP}:{port}/{dbName}) 
 # *logPath* - logger file path 
 # *financeRptPath* - path where the text file and csv file will generate to 

 # *bankBranchNumber* - Bank branch number (4 digits) 
 # *bankAccountNumber* - Bank account number (20 digits) 

 h3. deployment steps Step to startup 

 # export *src-batch-job* as jar. 
 # change *Make sure the value in properties/ file ext from *.jar* is correct 

 Windows / Linux 
 1. Open Command promp/console and go to *.zip* BanamexBankFile folder 

 2. type below command (without quote). Date will be today date if not enter. 
 # unzip ** into /usr/ecosway/batches/src-batch-job/ >  	 A. 'java -jar banamexBankFile.jar' OR 

 h3. run script >  	 B. 'java -jar banamexBankFile.jar {date}' (06/2012) 

   cd /usr/ecosway/batches/scripts/ 

 3. Bank file, Finance report and log will be generate as in 

 h2. SCM 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: d:/source/hongkong-batchNew d:/source/ecoswayNew 
 Module: Migration-Batch/src-batch-job MxBankFile 
 Tag: HEAD 