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Soh Keong, 07/30/2012 03:47 PM

Bank File

This is an offline application that will generate total 5 files.
  1. Banamex bank file (text file)
  2. Others bank file (text file)
  3. Banamex bank finance Report (csv file)
  4. Others bank finanace Report (csv file)
  5. Exception Report (csv file)

Properties file

  1. user - database user
  2. password - database password
  3. dbUrl - database url (jdbc:db2://{IP}:{port}/{dbName})
  4. logPath - logger file path
  5. financeRptPath - path where the text file and csv file will generate to
  6. bankBranchNumber - Bank branch number (4 digits)
  7. bankAccountNumber - Bank account number (20 digits)

Step to startup

*Make sure the value in properties/ file is correct

Windows / Linux
1. Open Command promp/console and go to BanamexBankFile folder

2. type below command (without quote). Date will be today date if not enter.

A. 'java -jar banamexBankFile.jar' OR

B. 'java -jar banamexBankFile.jar {date}' (06/2012)

3. Bank file, Finance report and log will be generate as in


Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:]
Path: d:/source/ecoswayNew
Module: MxBankFile

Updated by Soh Keong about 12 years ago · 2 revisions