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chin-yeh, 10/31/2011 11:30 AM

Programming Guide

Demo Application:

Below is the list of libraries needed:
  • sp-stub - download the latest version from Nexus
  • sp-client - download the latest version from Nexus


Query Utilization Status

This API checks if the member has already purchased the special bundle set.

  1. This API requires the parameters:
    • memberId
    • countryCode
  2. Pass the required parameters into the method, isUtilized
  3. If the returned status is:
    • true means it's been utilized
    • false means it has not been utilized

Utilize the Special Bundle Set

This API informs SP web services when the member has purchased the special bundle set.

  1. Query the utilization status of the special bundle set
    1. if not yet utilized
      1. pass the following parameters to the method, flagSpecialSetUtilization:
        • dbConnection
        • orderId
        • countryCode
        • memberId
        • trxDate
      2. if the returned status is 0000, it has been successfully processed
    2. if utilized, inform the member that he/she has purchased the bundle set.

Return or Exchange Special Bundle Set

Invokes this API when the member return or exchange the special bundle set.

  1. there's no need to query the utilization status
  2. pass the following parameters to the method, unflagSpecialSetUtilization:
    • dbConnection
    • orderId
    • countryCode
    • memberId
    • trxDate
  3. if the returned status is 0000, it has been successfully processed

API References

See API References

Updated by chin-yeh almost 13 years ago · 12 revisions