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chin-yeh, 10/25/2011 05:04 PM

API References

This is the list of API references for all of the integrated SP web services.

Query utilization status of the Special Bundle Set

This API queries whether the special bundle set has been utilized.

Method Signature:

public static TransactionResponse queryUtilizationStatus(String memberId, 
            String countryCode) throws RemoteException

Input Parameters

  • memberId - the shopper/member ID
  • countryCode - the country code of the member

Output Parameters

The returned object, TransactionResponse consists of:
  • process - the process code of the submitted request
  • trxId - the submitted transaction ID, a.k.a. order ID
  • centerId - either ONLINE or TEST
  • memberId - the member/shopper ID
  • status - the status code, e.g. 0000
  • errCode - the error code, e.g. 00000
  • errMessage - the detailed description of the status code
  • isUtilized - true if utilized else false

Code Snippets

String memberId = request.getParameter("member_id");
String countryCode = request.getParameter("country_code");

TransactionResponse result = SpServicesUtils.queryUtilizationStatus(memberId, countryCode);

Utilize the Special Bundle Set

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

The returned object, TransactionResponse consists of:
  • process - the process code of the submitted request
  • trxId - the submitted transaction ID, a.k.a. order ID
  • centerId - either ONLINE or TEST
  • memberId - the member/shopper ID
  • status - the status code, e.g. 0000
  • errCode - the error code, e.g. 00000
  • errMessage - the detailed description of the status code
  • isUtilized - true if utilized else false

Code Snippets

String memberId = request.getParameter("member_id");
String countryCode = request.getParameter("country_code");
String orderId = request.getParameter("order_id");
Date transactionDate = new Date();

Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS_USA");

TransactionResponse result = null;
try {
    result = SpServicesUtils.flagSpecialSetUtilization(dbConnection,
            orderId, countryCode, memberId, transactionDate);
} finally {
    if (dbConnection != null) {

Return the Special Bundle Set

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

The returned object, TransactionResponse consists of:
  • process - the process code of the submitted request
  • trxId - the submitted transaction ID, a.k.a. order ID
  • centerId - either ONLINE or TEST
  • memberId - the member/shopper ID
  • status - the status code, e.g. 0000
  • errCode - the error code, e.g. 00000
  • errMessage - the detailed description of the status code
  • isUtilized - true if utilized else false

Code Snippets

String memberId = request.getParameter("member_id");
String countryCode = request.getParameter("country_code");
String orderId = request.getParameter("order_id");
Date transactionDate = new Date();

Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS_USA");

TransactionResponse result = null;
try {
    result = SpServicesUtils.unflagSpecialSetUtilization(dbConnection,
            orderId, countryCode, memberId, transactionDate);
} finally {
    if (dbConnection != null) {

Updated by chin-yeh almost 13 years ago · 4 revisions