


Install check db2 health » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (chin-yeh, 09/08/2010 05:11 PM) → Revision 6/7 (chin-yeh, 09/08/2010 05:22 PM)

h1. Install check_db2_health 

 *Important note*: Install this addon on the Nagios machine. 

 Official website: 

 h2. Prerequisites 

 This addon requires the following Perl modules in order to work properly: 
 * @DBI@ 
 * @DBD::DB2@ 

 h2. Installation Steps 

 h3. DB2 # login to the database server (which to be monitored by @Nagios@) 

 # login to the server 
 ## if @nagios@ user and @nagios@ group do not exist: 
 # useradd nagios 
 # passwd nagios 
 ## if @nagios@ user and @nagios@ group exist, proceed to next step 
 # login to the database server (which to be monitored by @Nagios@) with the @DB2 user@, e.g. db2inst1, and execute: 
 db2inst1$ db2 update dbm cfg using sysmon_group nagios 
 db2inst1$ db2 grant select,update on table SYSTOOLS.STMG_DBSIZE_INFO to nagios 
 db2inst1$ db2stop; db2start 

 h3. Nagios server 

 # download the source file "check_db2_health": 
 # extract the downloaded file 
 # tar -xvzf check_db2_health-1.0.1.tar.gz 
 # @cd@ to the extracted directory 
 # cd check_db2_health-1.0.1 
 # @make@ and @install@ the package: 
 # ./configure 