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chin-yeh, 09/08/2010 05:11 PM

Install check_db2_health

Important note: Install this addon on the Nagios machine.

Official website:


This addon requires the following Perl modules in order to work properly:
  • DBI
  • DBD::DB2

Installation Steps

  1. login to the database server (which to be monitored by Nagios)
    1. if nagios user and nagios group do not exist:
      # useradd nagios
      # passwd nagios
    2. if nagios user and nagios group exist, proceed to next step
  2. login to the database server (which to be monitored by Nagios) with the DB2 user, e.g. db2inst1, and execute:
    db2inst1$ db2 update dbm cfg using sysmon_group nagios
    db2inst1$ db2 grant select,update on table SYSTOOLS.STMG_DBSIZE_INFO to nagios
    db2inst1$ db2stop; db2start

Updated by chin-yeh about 14 years ago · 5 revisions