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chin-yeh, 09/09/2010 10:23 AM


The official documentation.



  • must have root access
  • Apache HTTP installed and configured
  • PHP module installed and configured
  • GCC compiler

You can install the above missing components using yum or up2date.

Install Nagios Core and Nagios Plugins

Refer to the Nagios Quickstart Installation Guides section of Nagios Core in the Nagios - Documentation for the installation steps.

Install Addons

See Nagios - Addons.

Install NRPE - optional

Install this add-on only if there is a need to execute Nagios Plugins on remote *nix machines.

Refer to the NRPE in the Nagios - Documentation for the installation steps.


One should obtain the pre-configured nagios conf files from the repository.

  1. obtain the latest release version and the file usually pack and compress as prod.etc.tgz
  2. login as nagios user
  3. create a temp folder to store the file
    nagios$ mkdir temp_etc
  4. cd to the temp folder
    nagios$ cd temp_etc
  5. copy the latest release configuration file
    [nagios temp_etc]$ cp prod.etc.tgz .
  6. extract the file
    [nagios temp_etc]$ tar -xvzf prod.etc.tgz
  7. backup the existing configuration folder
    [nagios temp_etc]$ cp -R /usr/local/nagios/etc /usr/local/nagios/etc.bak
  8. copy the new configuration folder, etc to /usr/local/nagios/libexec
    [nagios temp_etc]$ cp -R etc /usr/local/nagios/libexec


Describes how to administer Nagios such as add monitoring host/services.

Add Host

Define a physical server, workstation, device which resides on your network.

Click here for the guide.

Add Service

Define a service which runs on a host. A service could be HTTP, number of logged in user in a physical server and etc.

Click here for the guide.

Add Contact

Define a contact who should be contacted in the event of a problem. A event could be warning, critical, recovery, unknown and etc.

Click here for the guide.


Updated by chin-yeh about 14 years ago · 11 revisions