



Configuration Files - Development

List of nagios configuration files:
  • htpasswd.users - nagios users
  • nagios.cfg - Nagios's main configuration file
  • cgi.cfg - Nagios's CGI configuration file
  • resource.cfg - Nagios resource file
  • ecosway
    • templates.cfg - the templates for host, contact, service definition
    • commands
      • commands.cfg - the check commands
      • db2_commands.cfg - DB2 related check commands
      • jboss_commands.cfg - Jboss related check commands
      • notification.cfg - notification related check commands
    • contacts
      • contact_groups.cfg - the contact groups
      • contacts.cfg - list of the contacts
      • timeperiods.cfg - defines when contacts can receive notification
    • hosts
      • host_groups.cfg - the host group
      • hosts.cfg - list of the hosts
    • services
      • db2_services.cfg - DB2 services
      • ex_services.cfg - external or third party system services
      • local_services.cfg - for the Nagios host server only
      • service_groups.cfg - the services group
      • ecos_services.cfg - eCosway services
      • jboss_services.cfg - Jboss services
      • os_services.cfg - remote host's services through NRPE
  • jmx4perl
    • jmx4perl.cfg - the main configuration of jmx4Perl addon
    • servers.cfg - stores the JMX URL for the respective hosts
    • default - the common check commands for jmx4Perl addon

Updated by chin-yeh about 14 years ago · 4 revisions