


Assign Service to Host » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (chin-yeh, 09/09/2010 11:25 AM) → Revision 7/15 (chin-yeh, 09/09/2010 11:45 AM)


 h1. Assign Service to Host 

 A service should be grouped under a specify service group to ease the configuration tasks. 

 *[Important]* Prepare the following information before begin: 
 * *host name* host name - the host name of the host to be assigned 
 * *service group* service group - the group name of the service to be monitored 

 List of available services: 
 * [[Assign Service to Host#Assign-DB2-service|DB2]] 
 * [[Assign Service to Host#Assign-Third-Party-Service|Third Party Service]] 
 * [[Assign Service to Host#Assign-eCosway-Service|eCosway Application]] 
 * [[Assign Service to Host#Assign-Jboss-Service|Jboss]] 
 * [[Assign Service to Host#Assign-Server-Resources-Service|Server Resources]]  

 h2. Assign DB2 service 

 Assumes that the target DB2 host has a @nagios@ user and the user has the monitor related privileges assigned. 

 The currently available commands for DB2 service are: 
 * *db2_connect_cmd* - check the time taken to establish connection to DB2 

 You may need the following additional information: 
 * *database name* - the name of the database to be monitored 
 * *warning threshold* - the warning threshold of this service in seconds unit, e.g. 3 for seconds 
 * *critical threshold* - the critical threshold of this service in seconds unit, e.g. 5 for seconds 

 h3. Steps 

 # login to the nagios server with @nagios@ user 
 # edit the @/usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/services/db2_services.cfg@ 
 nagios$ vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/services/db2_services.cfg 
 * Template: 
 define service{ 
         use                       db2-service 
         service_description       describe your service here 
         host_name                 host name 
         check_command             db2_connect_cmd!database name!warning threshold!critical threshold 
 * Example: 
 define service{ 
         use                       db2-service 
         service_description       DB2 Connect - MY_STORE database 
         host_name                 cwydb1 
         check_command             db2_connect_cmd!my_store!3!5 

 h2. Assign Third Party Service 

 h2. Assign eCosway Service 

 h2. Assign Jboss Service 

 h2. Assign Server Resources Service 

 TODO halo