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chin-yeh, 09/09/2010 12:21 PM

Assign Service to Host

A service should be grouped under a specify service group to ease the configuration tasks.

[Important] Prepare the following information before begin:
  • host name - the host name of the host to be assigned
  • service group - the group name of the service to be monitored
List of available services:

Assign DB2 service

Assumes that the target DB2 host has a nagios user and the user has the monitor related privileges assigned.

The currently available commands for DB2 service are:
  • db2_connect_cmd - check the time taken to establish connection to DB2
You may need the following additional information:
  • database name - the name of the database to be monitored
  • warning threshold - the warning threshold of this service in seconds unit, e.g. 3 for seconds
  • critical threshold - the critical threshold of this service in seconds unit, e.g. 5 for seconds


  1. login to the nagios server with nagios user
  2. edit the /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/services/db2_services.cfg
    nagios$ vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/services/db2_services.cfg
    • Template:
      define service{
              use                     db2-service
              service_description     describe your service here
              host_name               host name
              check_command           db2_connect_cmd!database name!warning threshold!critical threshold
    • Example:
      define service{
              use                     db2-service
              service_description     DB2 Connect - MY_STORE database
              host_name               cwydb1
              check_command           db2_connect_cmd!my_store!3!5

Assign Third Party Service

This service is using NRPE addon and check_http command. Therefore, you may refer to the NRPE for the configuration details.

I will assume that you have the following things configured on the remote host and got the NRPE up and running in the background:
  • Remote Host: /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg
    ... skip 
    # UPS
    command[check_ups_sav]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -I -S -u /webservices/XAV -w 10 -c 12
    command[check_ups_rate]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -I -S -u /webservices/Rate -w 10 -c 12
    # Avalara
    command[check_avatax]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -I -S -u / -w 10 -c 12 -e "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 
    command[check_authorize]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -I -S -u /gateway/transact.dll -w 10 -c 12
    ... skip


  1. login to the nagios server with nagios user
  2. edit /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/services/ex_services.cfg
    nagios$ vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/services/ex_services.cfg
    • assume that you'd like to monitor Avatax; the check_avatax remote command would be used for this example.
    • Template:
      define service{
              use                             ex-service
              host_name                       host name
              service_description             put your description here
              check_command                   check_nrpe!put the remote check command here
    • Example:
      define service{
              use                             ex-service
              host_name                       cwyapp1
              service_description             Avalara - Avatax
              check_command                   check_nrpe!check_avatax

Assign eCosway Service

Assign Jboss Service

Assign Server Resources Service


Updated by chin-yeh about 14 years ago · 10 revisions