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chin-yeh, 09/13/2010 09:39 AM

Add Contact

All of the contacts should be grouped under the following contact groups:
  • warning-group - receives notification for warning, unknown, critical, recovery, flapping, scheduled downtime
  • critical-group - receives notification for unknown, critical, recovery, flapping, scheduled downtime
  1. login to Nagios server using nagios user
  2. edit /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/contacts/contacts.cfg
    nagios$ vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/contacts/contacts.cfg
    • Template:
      define contact{
              contact_name                    an unique contact name
              use                             either warning-contact or critical-contact
              alias                           put the description here
              email                           put the email here
              pager                           put the Google Talk ID here
    • Example:
      define contact{
              contact_name                    warning-user
              use                             warning-contact
              alias                           Test User for Warning Notification
              pager                           ecosway.nagios.warning

      define contact{
              contact_name                    critical-user
              use                             critical-contact
              alias                           Test User for Critical Notification
              pager                           ecosway.nagios.critical
  1. assign the newly created user to the specified group by editing
    nagios$ vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/ecosway/contacts/contact_groups.cfg
    • Template:
      define contactgroup{
              contactgroup_name               warning-group
              alias                           Warning Group
              members                         put the newly created user's contact name here
      define contactgroup{
              contactgroup_name               critical-group
              alias                           Critical Group
              members                         put the newly created user's contact name here
    • Example:
      define contactgroup{
              contactgroup_name               warning-group
              alias                           Warning Group
              members                         warning-user
      define contactgroup{
              contactgroup_name               critical-group
              alias                           Critical Group
              members                         critical-user

Updated by chin-yeh about 14 years ago · 1 revisions