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Hours: 53:30

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
09/15/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #22: configure instant message for notification 5:00 Actions
09/15/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #23: configure SMS as nagios notification 8:00 Actions
09/13/2010 chin-yeh Documentation Support #24: prepare documentation 6:00 Actions
09/08/2010 chin-yeh Documentation Support #24: prepare documentation 6:00 Actions
09/07/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #21: simulate all of the configured alarm traps 5:00 Actions
09/07/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #20: configure the email notification 2:00 Actions
09/06/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #25: add alarm trap for jboss 2:00 Actions
09/06/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #17: configure the DB2 alarm traps 3:30 Actions
09/06/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #19: configure alarm traps for external system 2:30 Actions
09/06/2010 chin-yeh Design Feature #16: adjust the alarm thresholds 1:30 Actions
09/03/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #18: configure the jboss alarm traps 4:00 Actions
09/02/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #15: fine-tune the nagios configurations 2:30 Actions
09/02/2010 chin-yeh Design Feature #14: look for alternative jmx collector for jboss 1:00 Actions
08/27/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #13: configure the alarm trap 2:00 Actions
08/27/2010 chin-yeh Development Feature #12: install agents on remote system 1:00 Actions
08/27/2010 chin-yeh Design Feature #11: install monitoring system 1:30 Actions

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