


Wiki » History » Revision 18

Revision 17 (Soh Keong, 05/30/2012 05:27 PM) → Revision 18/22 (Soh Keong, 05/30/2012 05:34 PM)


 h1. Wiki 

 h2. Overview 

 _Payment Flow:_ 


 h2. Guides 

 * [[Programming Guide]] 

 > qiwi-provider is the web services is built using the WSDL schema which provided by QIWI. 
 Payment Result Callback (qiwi-provider) url is maintained via Qiwi Merchant Interface -> Method of Connections -> SOAP Protocol -> Setting. 
 * [[Deployment Guide - qiwi-provider]] 

 > qiwi-responder is the web service client for qiwi-provider. 
 * [[Deployment Guide - qiwi-responder]] 

 > qiwi-updateOrder is a java standalone program to update RU missing order. 
 > qiwi-updateOrder will first read from an excel file, then update database and finally http post to QIWI production server. 
 * [[Deployment Guide *Step By Step* 
 1. Check out qiwi-updateOrder from cvs. 
 2. Make sure all 3 configuration files are correct 
   a. - qiwi-updateOrder]] database configuration 
   b. - Logger 
   c. -  
     I) excel.file       = excel file physical location 
    II)       = worksheet name (example: REGEN BILL) 
   III) qiwi.url         = URL to http post to qiwi 
    IV) qiwi.sql.query = sql statement to update 
 3. FOR PRODUCTION ONLY - search for 'httpPost(url)' in and uncomment it. 
 4. Right click on 'build.xml', --> Run As --> Ant Build 
 5. To execute the program, open command prompt, go into dist folder, type 'java -jar qiwi-updateOrder.jar'.  

 h2. Merchant Account 

 Admin URL: 
 Merchant/Shop ID: 18356 
 Password: refer to server_login.xls 

 h2. Contact Person 

 * *Support:* Stanislav Yu Dubrov [] 

 * *API Integration:* 
 ** Belynda Goh, Swee-Fun [] 
 ** Kwan, Chooi-Mey [] 
 * *Online Mall:* 
 ** Hann, Chong-Ting [] 

 h2. SCM 


 _QIWI Web Services for Payment Result Callback:_ 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: d:/source/ecoswayNew 
 Module: qiwi-provider 
 Tag: HEAD 

 _QIWI Web Services Client for get Result from QIWI Web Services:_ 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: d:/source/ecoswayNew 
 Module: qiwi-responder 
 Tag: HEAD 

 _update missing RU Orders:_ 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: d:/source/ecoswayNew 
 Module: qiwi-updateOrder 
 Tag: HEAD 