


Wiki » History » Revision 13

Revision 12 (Soh Keong, 05/02/2012 03:18 PM) → Revision 13/22 (Soh Keong, 05/02/2012 03:34 PM)


 h1. Wiki 

 h2. Overview 

 _Payment Flow:_ 


 h2. Guides 

 * [[Programming Guide]] 

 > qiwi-provider is the web services is built using the WSDL schema which provided by QIWI. 
 * [[Deployment Guide - qiwi-provider]] 

 > qiwi-responder is the web service client for qiwi-provider. 
 *Step By Step* 
 1. Check out qiwi-responder from cvs. 
 2. By calling below method will get the result code. 
    QiwiClientService service = new QiwiClientServiceImpl(); 
    int result = service.updateBill(String transaction, String status); 
 3. Jar file needed (\\cwyrnd2-server\src\sohkeong\Qiwi Client Jar) 
  a. axis.jar 
  b. commons-discovery-0.2.jar 
  c. commons-logging.jar 
  d. jaxrpc.jar 
  e. org.springframework.core-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar 
  f. qiwi-responder.jar 
  g. saaj.jar 
  h. wsdl4j.jar 

 *Development Server* 

 h2. Merchant Account 

 Admin URL: 
 Merchant/Shop ID: 18356 
 Password: refer to server_login.xls 

 h2. Contact Person 

 * *Support:* Stanislav Yu Dubrov [] 

 * *API Integration:* 
 ** Belynda Goh, Swee-Fun [] 
 ** Kwan, Chooi-Mey [] 
 * *Online Mall:* 
 ** Hann, Chong-Ting [] 

 h2. SCM 


 _QIWI Web Services for Payment Result Callback:_ 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: d:/source/ecoswayNew 
 Module: qiwi-provider 
 Tag: HEAD 

 _QIWI Web Services Client for get Result from QIWI Web Services:_ 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: d:/source/ecoswayNew 
 Module: qiwi-responder 
 Tag: HEAD 