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Soh Keong, 05/04/2012 02:03 PM

Programming Guide

This guide describes how to integrate online mall with the QIWI.

Demo Application: (refer to the Merchant Account to get the merchant details)

you're conducting testing in QIWI production environment


  1. First, go through the Payment Flow
  2. To redirect the customer to QIWI, prepare the following HTML form:
    • action - must be
    • method - must use post method
    • from - merchant ID (refer to the Merchant Account to get the merchant details)
    • txn_id - unique transaction ID, e.g. order ID
    • to - customer's MSISDN, e.g. mobile phone number
    • summ - payment amount, e.g. 10.22
    • com - description of this payment
    • lifetime - bill’s lifetime in hours (max 45 days)
    • example:
      <form method="post" action=""/>
          <tr><td>eCosway Shop ID:</td>
              <td><input name="from" type="text" value="2042"/></td>
          <tr><td>eCosway Order ID:</td>
              <td><input name="txn_id" type="text" value="test-order-1"/></td>
          <tr><td>Customer Mobile No.:</td>
              <td><input name="to" type="text" value="9161234567"/></td>
          <tr><td>Payment Amount (RUB a.k.a Rouble):</td>
              <td><input name="summ" type="text" value="2.15"/></td>
          <tr><td>Payment Description:</td>
              <td><input name="com" type="text" value="For registration fee"/></td>
              <td><input name="lifetime" type="text" value="24"/></td>
              <td><input type="submit" value="Pay Now"/>
  3. Prepare a servlet or JSP to capture the payment status callback.
    1. the servlet or JSP must accept this 2 query parameter, paymentResponse and cardGateway
      String paymentResponse = request.getParameter("paymentResponse");
      String cardGateway = request.getParameter("cardGateway"); // always will be 'qiwi'
      • the value of cardGateway will be always qiwi
    2. decrypt the parameter using EncryptAES utils:
      String decryptedResponse = new EncryptAES().decryptSKey(request.getParameter("paymentResponse"));
    3. the decrypted paymentResponse parameter consists of transaction ID, payment result and status code and delimited by comma
      • transaction ID - usually this is order ID
      • payment result - true means success; false means failed
      • status code - new bill status
    4. include the full URL of this JSP or Servlet into delegate.url property [/data/qiwi-provider/], for example:
    5. Important Note: This is your responsibility to persist this payment result into the respective interface table.
  4. done.

Updated by Soh Keong over 12 years ago · 14 revisions