


Deployment Guide - qiwi-billManagement » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Soh Keong, 06/14/2012 09:50 AM) → Revision 10/16 (Soh Keong, 06/14/2012 09:53 AM)

h1. Deployment Guide - qiwi-billManagement 

 # checkout the [[wiki#SCM|qiwi-billManagement]] project into <code>Eclipse</code> 
 # upload to /data/qiwi-provider/</code> (\\cwyrnd2-server\src\sohkeong\QIWI\Qiwi_billManagement_Properties) 
 # Jar file (\\cwyrnd2-server\src\sohkeong\QIWI\Qiwi_billManagement_Jar) 
 # By calling below methods will get the result code. 

 <pre> service = new; 


   * Create Bill 

 int result = service.createBill(Connection conn, String user, double amount, 
			 String comment, String transaction, String transactionType, 
			 int shopperRefNo, String currency, String lifetime, int alarm, 
			 boolean create); 

                > > > > > > > > > > OR < < < < < < < < < <  

 int result = service.createBill(Connection conn, String user, double amount, 
			 String comment, String transaction, String transactionType, 
			 int shopperRefNo, String currency, String lifetime, int alarm, 
			 boolean create, boolean split, double maxAmount); 

 # conn           - java.sql.Connection. java.sql.Connection 
 # user           - user ID. ID (MSISDN) 
 # amount         - amount of bill. bill 
 # comment        - comment to the bill displayed to the user. user 
 # transaction    - unique bill ID / Order ID. ID 
 # transactionType - type of transaction. transaction 
 # shopperRefNo - Shopper Reference No. No 
 # currency       - The currency of the order expressed as an ISO 4217 alpha code. 
 # lifetime       - bill lifetime. lifetime (in dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss format) 
 # alarm          - send a notification to the user. user (sms or call) 
 # create         - flag to create a new user. user (if he’s not registered in the system yet) 
 # split          - flag to split bill. bill 
 # maxAmount      - maximum amount in single bill. (will ignore if NOT split) 


   * Cancel Bill 

 int result = service.cancelBill(String transaction); 

   * Create Bill Payed Amount 

 int result = service.cancelBillPayedAmount(String nbill, double amount); 

 *Development Server:* 