


RESTful Web Services » History » Revision 13

Revision 12 (chin-yeh, 10/12/2011 06:37 PM) → Revision 13/14 (chin-yeh, 10/12/2011 06:41 PM)


 h1. RESTful Web Services 

 h2. System Overview 

 h2. Programming Guide 

 Below is the overview of the *web service layers*: 
 _Detailed Description:_ 
 * *(1)* this is the only integration point for the client 
 * *(2)* this is the service layer that contains business logic 
 * *(3)* this is the persistence layer 
 * *(4)* this is the web service client, it could be web application, ajax application, batch program, as long as it can read or parse <code>JSON</code> formatted data 
 * *(5)* all of the components share the same domain objects 

 h3. How to add new web service method 

 We use the *Shopper* service to demonstrate how to add new web service method into the existing web service. 
 > the source file can be in the trunk, *connector-poc* in [[qconnector:wiki#SCM|SCM]] 

 The *Shopper* service provides: 
 * add new shopper 
 * update shopper profile 
 * retrieve shopper profile based on ID 

 In short, a new web service method should contain the following components(at least): 
 _Detailed Description:_ 
 * *Controller* - this is the place where the client talk to 
 * *Services* - this is the business logic of the service 
 * *DAOs* - persist or query data from data source, e.g. database 

 h3. How to develop web service client 

 Any programming language which has the *RESTful* & *JSON* API. For the sample RESTful client, refer to the *com.ecosway.connector.poc.client* package in the *connector-poc* project in the [[qconnector:wiki#SCM|SCM]].