From 03/02/2011 to 03/31/2011
- 09:15 AM Bug #83 (Closed): Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
- issue closed
- 09:14 AM Bug #86 (Closed): Batch - ParseInt Issue
- issue closed
- 09:14 AM Bug #87 (Closed): USA Batch - parseInt/parseLong issue
- issue closed
- 09:14 AM Bug #94 (Closed): Order Admin - VIP Upgraded Order No. [Not Working]
- issue closed
- 09:14 AM Bug #85 (Closed): ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
- issue closed
- 09:07 AM Feature #91 (Closed): download the monthly/specific reports that created by the offline batches
- issue closed
- 09:07 AM Feature #93 (Closed): location for logs/report that generated by daily programs
- issue closed
- 05:30 PM Feature #95 (Closed): deploy the latest code in the CVS branch
- deployed on 9-mar
- 11:53 AM Feature #95: deploy the latest code in the CVS branch
- i will take over this issue
- 08:58 AM Feature #95 (In Progress): deploy the latest code in the CVS branch
- 08:49 AM Feature #95 (Feedback): deploy the latest code in the CVS branch
- both ecosway.war and batches uploaded
- 08:09 PM Feature #95 (Closed): deploy the latest code in the CVS branch
- sync the latest code and deploy those files that difference with HEAD into:
* server IP: **:
** dot com...
- 09:47 AM Bug #94 (Feedback): Order Admin - VIP Upgraded Order No. [Not Working]
- already fixed this. please try again.
this function was not tested because the JSP file, *oa_mm_orderEnquiry_list_...
- 05:13 PM Bug #94 (Closed): Order Admin - VIP Upgraded Order No. [Not Working]
- Function mentioned above not working when search result Order ID.
Eg. Search for Order ID 480000411.
No result retu... - 03:14 PM Feature #93 (Closed): location for logs/report that generated by daily programs
- download the logs/report through:
# open windows explorer
# copy and paste this link to the address bar
> *\\192.1... - 02:58 PM Feature #92 (Closed): conduct trial run on the offline batches
- completed at 20:12PM 4-Mar-2011
- 02:26 PM Feature #91 (Feedback): download the monthly/specific reports that created by the offline batches
- you can download the reports/files which created by the offline program via:
# open windows explorer
# copy and paste... - 11:57 AM Feature #91 (Closed): download the monthly/specific reports that created by the offline batches
- download the reports to the src shared folder
- 12:02 PM Feature #90 (Closed): Test the batch programs which sync data across databases
- related to the issue #92
- 11:59 AM Feature #92 (Closed): conduct trial run on the offline batches
- conduct the trial run on the offline batches.
the offline files will be retrieved from the src shared folder.
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