



From 01/01/2011 to 01/30/2011


04:50 PM Bug #57 (In Progress): Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
please double check if it's been fixed. chin-yeh
04:36 PM Bug #57 (Feedback): Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
fixed, tested, and commited Chee-Hoong
03:47 PM Bug #57: Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
Chee-Hoong wrote:
> invalid data type fixed.
has it been fixed?
04:38 PM Bug #66 (In Progress): Online Office - View Order Status
still fixing Chee-Hoong
04:05 PM Bug #72 (Closed): BO Administration - Business Status India - Page Error
03:46 PM Bug #72 (Feedback): BO Administration - Business Status India - Page Error
this bug exists in the existing environment also. chin-yeh
04:04 PM Bug #71 (Closed): Ecenter Administration - Withdrawal Approval - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
03:41 PM Bug #71 (Feedback): Ecenter Administration - Withdrawal Approval - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
similiar to the issue #69 chin-yeh
03:56 PM Bug #70 (Closed): "Ecenter Administration - Withdrawal - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception
03:39 PM Bug #70 (Feedback): "Ecenter Administration - Withdrawal - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception
similiar to the issue #68 which did not provide the required parameters. chin-yeh
03:54 PM Bug #69 (Closed): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Approval Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
03:36 PM Bug #69 (Feedback): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Approval Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
additional log:... chin-yeh
03:53 PM Bug #68 (Closed): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
02:39 PM Bug #68 (Feedback): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
now can see page content after fixed the null pointer exception.
however, the SQL error is still there. This is b...
12:17 PM Bug #68 (In Progress): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
03:49 PM Bug #74: Online Office - Cancel Order - Order No fail search
this issue is similiar to #66 chin-yeh
12:25 PM Bug #65 (Closed): Chart Of Account Administration - GL Control Adminstration - SQL error - function itself hit exception
Function probably not in used anymore. Can be ignored. Chooi-Mey
12:14 PM Bug #65 (Feedback): Chart Of Account Administration - GL Control Adminstration - SQL error - function itself hit exception
Based on the error, the column, CREDIT_CARD_USD does not exists in the GL_CONTROL table. Existing control center also... chin-yeh
11:23 AM Bug #65 (In Progress): Chart Of Account Administration - GL Control Adminstration - SQL error - function itself hit exception
12:22 PM Bug #67 (Closed): Currency Administration - Country GL Control Approval - SQL error - function itself hit exception.
This function might not in used anymore. Can be ignored. Chooi-Mey
12:16 PM Bug #67 (Feedback): Currency Administration - Country GL Control Approval - SQL error - function itself hit exception.
see issue #65 for the updates chin-yeh
11:49 AM Bug #63 (Closed): Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
11:47 AM Bug #63 (Feedback): Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
chin-yeh wrote:
> Chooi-Mey wrote:
> > The sql query got error on "The data types of the operands for the operation...
11:27 AM Bug #63 (In Progress): Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
Chooi-Mey wrote:
> The sql query got error on "The data types of the operands for the operation ">=" are not compati...
10:54 AM Bug #63: Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
The sql query got error on "The data types of the operands for the operation ">=" are not compatible" for this part :... Chooi-Mey
10:36 AM Bug #63 (Feedback): Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
the trx_order_no value did not enclosed with single quotes in the SQL query. the fixes are already deployed and tested. chin-yeh
11:23 AM Bug #64 (Closed): Order Administration - Order Cancellation Status - View Details - Jsp null point exception
Tested with specified order no. Chooi-Mey
11:12 AM Bug #64 (Feedback): Order Administration - Order Cancellation Status - View Details - Jsp null point exception
most of the old records are already orphaned. query this order No instead, SUF2433456/2433456 chin-yeh
10:33 AM Bug #61 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Cancellation History View Details
Tested with specify order no. Chooi-Mey
10:31 AM Bug #62 (Closed): Refund Order Report - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
Not in used function. Can be ignored. Chooi-Mey
09:35 AM Bug #62 (Feedback): Refund Order Report - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
Based on the log entries, the SQL query did not specify the table name. If there's no matching records, the module wo... chin-yeh


06:26 PM Bug #62 (In Progress): Refund Order Report - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
04:09 PM Bug #62 (Closed): Refund Order Report - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
06:25 PM Bug #61 (Feedback): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Cancellation History View Details
try not to query the old records as most of the old records are orphaned. because of that, it could not retrieve the ... chin-yeh
04:07 PM Bug #61 (In Progress): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Cancellation History View Details
Log:... chin-yeh
04:05 PM Bug #61 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Cancellation History View Details
SQL error - Funtion itself already hit error.
05:41 PM Bug #73: Super Selection Order Adminstration - View order detrails - NumberFormatException
This refer to function Super Selection Order Adminstration - Order Enquiry - view details Chooi-Mey
05:32 PM Bug #73 (Closed): Super Selection Order Adminstration - View order detrails - NumberFormatException
... Chooi-Mey
05:39 PM Bug #74 (Closed): Online Office - Cancel Order - Order No fail search
1) (Login with CN857380) Without input order no and search, it hit Select Statement error : For input string: "SUF293... Chooi-Mey
05:01 PM Bug #57 (In Progress): Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
invalid data type fixed. Chee-Hoong
03:50 PM Bug #57: Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
>[nicholas] invalid argument changed from int to string chin-yeh
03:49 PM Bug #57 (Closed): Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
Bo Registration:
EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time.
04:27 PM Bug #72 (Closed): BO Administration - Business Status India - Page Error
Page Error. If this function no longer in use, ignore it
04:26 PM Bug #71 (Closed): Ecenter Administration - Withdrawal Approval - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
04:25 PM Bug #70 (Closed): "Ecenter Administration - Withdrawal - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception
SQL Error - Function itself hit exception
04:24 PM Bug #69 (Closed): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Approval Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
04:21 PM Bug #68 (Closed): Ecenter Administration - Deposit Management - SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
SQL Error - Function itself hit exception.
04:20 PM Bug #67 (Closed): Currency Administration - Country GL Control Approval - SQL error - function itself hit exception.
SQL error - function itself hit exception.
04:18 PM Bug #66 (Closed): Online Office - View Order Status
1) (Login with CN857380) Without input order no and search, it hit Select Statement error : For input string: "SUF293... Chooi-Mey
04:18 PM Bug #65 (Closed): Chart Of Account Administration - GL Control Adminstration - SQL error - function itself hit exception
SQL error - function itself hit exception. Check with app team.
04:15 PM Bug #64: Order Administration - Order Cancellation Status - View Details - Jsp null point exception
Log:... chin-yeh
04:14 PM Bug #64 (Closed): Order Administration - Order Cancellation Status - View Details - Jsp null point exception
Jsp null point exception - function itself hit exception. Check with app team. chin-yeh
04:11 PM Bug #63 (Closed): Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment - SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
Adjustment Management - ISO Order Adjustment
SQL Error. - Function itself already hit error.
04:04 PM Bug #60 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Cancellation View Details Error Page when click on view the order.
fixed the SQL query and nullpointer bug chin-yeh
04:03 PM Bug #60 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Cancellation View Details Error Page when click on view the order.
Error Page when click on view the order.
04:02 PM Bug #59 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Approval - extra single quote
fixed the SQL query chin-yeh
04:01 PM Bug #59 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Approval - extra single quote
Super Selection Order Administration - Order Approval
SQL error - extra single quote
03:59 PM Bug #58 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Enquiry - SQL error - extra single quote
fixed the sql query chin-yeh
03:58 PM Bug #58 (Closed): Super Selection Order Administration - Order Enquiry - SQL error - extra single quote
SQL error - extra single quote
03:55 PM Bug #55 (Closed): Shopper Purchase - order fail insert into transaction table
Tested. Chooi-Mey
03:53 PM Bug #55 (Feedback): Shopper Purchase - order fail insert into transaction table
03:46 PM Bug #55: Shopper Purchase - order fail insert into transaction table
verify if it's been fixed chin-yeh
03:45 PM Bug #55 (Resolved): Shopper Purchase - order fail insert into transaction table
>[nicholas] insert table error fixed chin-yeh
03:44 PM Bug #55 (Closed): Shopper Purchase - order fail insert into transaction table
- After payment done, order fail insert into transaction table due to the sql error on insert trx_order_no column as ... chin-yeh
03:55 PM Bug #56 (Closed): Merchandise Refund - Error insert transaction table
03:48 PM Bug #56: Merchandise Refund - Error insert transaction table
fixed chin-yeh
03:47 PM Bug #56 (Closed): Merchandise Refund - Error insert transaction table
Error insert transaction table. 1) Transaction_undefined table name; 2) trx_order_no = 'xxxx ' fail to match due ... chin-yeh
03:55 PM Bug #54 (Closed): Merchandise Return View - Backend server log show SQL error.
tested chin-yeh
03:41 PM Bug #54: Merchandise Return View - Backend server log show SQL error.
>[nicholas] correct the invalid sql parameter at line num 104 chin-yeh
03:40 PM Bug #54 (Closed): Merchandise Return View - Backend server log show SQL error.
Merchandise Return View (Order No: 402410585)
- Backend server log show SQL error.
03:54 PM Bug #53 (Closed): - JSP header include error
reopen if occurs again chin-yeh
03:38 PM Bug #53: - JSP header include error
Couldn't identify the problem. It could be thrown by other application as the existing file do not contains those codes chin-yeh
03:37 PM Bug #53 (Closed): - JSP header include error
- JSP header include error
03:54 PM Bug #52 (Closed): BO Registration - fail go to payment page
tested chin-yeh
03:33 PM Bug #52 (Resolved): BO Registration - fail go to payment page
03:33 PM Bug #52: BO Registration - fail go to payment page
>[nicholas] correct the method data type
>>[26-01-2011 CM] Tested. Can proceed to payment page. But it hit error for...
03:31 PM Bug #52 (Closed): BO Registration - fail go to payment page
Click on Submit at Payment Summary page, fail go to payment page and hit error "NoSuch Method" and also jsp error shp... chin-yeh

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