



Deployment Guide

This guide is mainly for first-time deployment. For the subsequences deployment, you should only deploy the files you have modified.

see also Programming Guide

  1. Execute the MPAY_INTERFACE SQL to create the payment interface table
  2. Follow the instructions in this FAQ to remove the restriction on cryptographic strength.
    • overwrite the existing policies files if exists
  3. Go to the Files tab, and then download the following certificate files:
    • choose one only:
      • - for test environment
      • - for live environment
  4. Extract the downloaded certificate file ( or and place it into the following location:
    • server.crt - place it in the folder [/data/mpay]
    • merchant.p12 - place it in the folder [/data/mpay]
  5. Go to the Files tab again, then download the following libraries and then upload it to [.../WEB-INF/lib]:
    • bcprov-jdk14-125.jar
    • MerchantAdmin.jar
    • MerchantClient.jar
  6. Prepare the following files and these files can be found in SCM:
    • Java class files
      • all of the files in
    • properties files
      • /resources/properties/
  7. edit the based on the Merchant Account Details.
  8. Deploy those files that prepared in the previous step to application server:
    • Java class files - to [.../WEB-INF/classes]
    • properties files - to [.../WEB-INF/classes]
  9. Restart the application server
  10. Done

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago · 9 revisions