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chin-yeh, 02/22/2012 10:49 AM

Deployment Guide

This guide is mainly for first-time deployment. For the subsequences deployment, you should only deploy the files you have modified.

see also Programming Guide

  1. Execute the MPAY_INTERFACE SQL to create the payment interface table
  2. Follow the instructions in this FAQ to remove the restriction on cryptographic strength.
  3. Go to the Files tab, and then download the following libraries & certificate files:
    • bcprov-jdk14-125.jar
    • MerchantAdmin.jar
    • MerchantClient.jar
    • choose one only:
      • - for test environment
      • - for live environment
  4. Extract the downloaded certificate file ( or and place it into the following location:
    • server.crt - place it in /data/mpay
    • merchant.p12 - place it in /data/mpay
  5. Prepare the following files and these files can be found in SCM:
    • Java class files
      • all of the files in
    • properties files
      • /resources/properties/
  6. Deploy those files that prepared in the previous step to application server:
    • Java class files - to WEB-INF/classes
    • properties files - to WEB-INF/classes
  7. Restart the application server
  8. Done

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago · 4 revisions