


Wiki » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Soh Keong, 03/22/2023 04:53 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Soh Keong, 03/22/2023 05:12 PM)


 h1. Wiki 

 h2. Specification 

 See [[Specification]] 

 h2. Status Code 

 h3. SMS status code 

 |_.Code |_.Description                                                                                         | 
 |    0 	 | OK. No error encountered.                                                                            | 
 |    1 	 | Authorization failed. Invalid mocean-api-key or mocean-api-secret.                                   | 
 |         | NOTE: When this error is encountered, NO SMS is sent to any of the receivers.                        | 
 |    2 	 | Insufficient balance. Not enough credit in the account to send to at least one of the receivers.     | 
 |    4 	 | At least one of the destination numbers is not white listed.                                         | 
 |    5 	 | At least one of the destination numbers is black listed.                                             | 
 |    6 	 | No destination number specified.                                                                     | 
 |    8 	 | Sender ID not found.                                                                                 | 
 | 19 	 | Invalid character set or message body.                                                               | 
 | 20 	 | Insufficient headers for sending SMS.                                                                | 
 | 23 	 | Empty mocean-text.                                                                                   | 
 | 24 	 | Unknown error.                                                                                       | 
 | 27 	 | Max number of receivers in a single request reached. Too many receivers in mocean-to field.          | 
 | 28 	 | Invalid destination number. Receiver is invalid after stripping all non-numerics.                    | 
 | 29 	 | Message body is too long.                                                                            | 
 | 32 	 | Message throttled.                                                                                   | 
 | 34 	 | Unknown request.                                                                                     | 
 | 37 	 | Invalid sender length.                                                                               | 
 | 40 	 | System down for maintenance.                                                                         | 
 | 43 	 | SMS flooding detected.                                                                               | 
 | 44 	 | Invalid Sender ID.                                                                                   | 
 | 45 	 | System error, please try again.                                                                      | 
 | 48 	 | At least one of the senders is black listed.                                                         | 
 | 49 	 | At least one of the senders is not white listed.                                                     | 
 | 50 	 | Inappropriate content detected.                                                                      | 
 | 65 	 | Destination not found.                                                                               | 
 | 69 	 | Message contains unsupported character.                                                              | 
 | 70 	 | Invalid service                                                                                      | 
 | 73 	 | Destination number and sender are blacklisted                                                        | 

 For more status code, pls refer to 

 h3. OTP status code 

 |_.Code |_.Description                                                                                         | 
 |    0 	 | OK. No error encountered.                                                           | 
 |    1 	 | Throttled error. You are trying to send more than allowed requests per minute.      | 
 |    2 	 | Authorization failed. Invalid mocean-api-key or mocean-api-secret.                  | 
 |   	 | (NOTE: When this error is encountered, NO Request is sent to the receiver.)         | 
 |    3 	 | System error, please try again.                                                     | 
 |    4 	 | Missing mandatory parameter: brand                                                  | 
 |    5 	 | Missing mandatory parameter: receiver                                               | 
 |    6 	 | Invalid destination number. Receiver is invalid after stripping all non-numerics. | 
 |    7 	 | Missing mandatory parameter: request id                                             | 
 |    8 	 | Missing mandatory parameter: pin code                                               | 
 |    9 	 | Brand provided is too long.                                                         | 
 | 10 	 | Sender id provided is too long.                                                     | 
 | 11 	 | Code length provided is unsupported.                                                | 
 | 13 	 | Pin validity provided is invalid, valid range is between 60 and 3600 seconds.       | 
 | 15 	 | Incorrect code was provided too many times. Maximum retry limit is 3.               | 
 | 16 	 | The code inserted does not match the expected value.                                | 
 | 17 	 | Associated verify request has already expired or invalid.                           | 
 | 18 	 | Insufficient balance. Not enough credit in the account for verification.            | 
 | 20 	 | The request could not be routed.                                                    | 
 | 21 	 | System error, request could not be processed.                                       | 
 | 22 	 | Unknown request.                                                                    | 
 | 25 	 | Rejected due to phone number is not reachable or invalid.                           | 
 |  	 | (Only applicable to pay-per-attempt API with opt-in Number Lookup.)                 | 

 For more status code, pls refer to 

 h2. Test link 



 h2. SCM 

 Host: cwapp4 [IP address:] 
 Path: /cvs/ecoswayNew 
 Module: Mocean 
 Tag: HEAD 