


Wiki old » History » Revision 34

Revision 33 (chin-yeh, 12/02/2010 04:58 PM) → Revision 34/41 (chin-yeh, 04/15/2011 03:44 PM)


 h1. Wiki 

 The wiki page for this project.  

 h2. Official Documentation 

 See [[Documentation]] 

 h2. Specification 

 See [[Specification]] 

 h2. SCM 

 The SVN URL for this project: 
 > Components:  
 > Commons libraries: 
 > Configuration files: 

 The versioning scheme is: 
 > major.minor[.bugfixes]  

 General guidelines: 
 * all development works should put in the *trunk* 
 * all of the released version *should be tagged* by following the versioning scheme above 
 ** no further modification on those tagged version 
 * you could commit your development works in the *branches* 

 h2. Load Test Result 

 [[Load Test Prototype|Click here]] to see the result which tested on the prototype. 

 h2. Load Test Result on the integrated system 

 [[Load Test Integrated|Click here]] for more details. 

 h2. Integration Test 

 See [[Integration_Test_Result|Integration Test]] 

 h2. Guide 

 * SCM 
 ** [[Add SVN user]] 
 ** [[Install SVN plugin for Eclipse]] 
 ** [[How to connect to SVN through Eclipse]] 
 ** [[Change password for your SVN account]]  
 ** [[Guides on manipulating sub project / modules in SVN]] 

 * Issue Tracker 
 ** [[Connect to Redmine's Issue throught Eclipse Mylyn]] 

 * Start/Stop Services  
 ** refer to the [[General Info:cwyrnd3-server]] 

 * Configuration Management 
 ** [[Install Maven plugin for Eclipse]] 
 ** [[How to connect to local central maven repository]] 

 * [[Backup Strategies]]