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chin-yeh, 07/18/2011 03:44 PM


The main documentation for this project.

System Overview:
Revised Version.


In summary, the QConnector contains the following components:
  • JMS Adaptor
    • produce JMS message
    • consume JMS message
  • SOAP Adaptor
    • forward XML content to web service provider
  • Web Service (Dot Com)
    • the request should come from JMS system.
  • Web Service Mimic
    • Act as a proxy by receiving the web service request on behalf of the actual web service provider.
    • this component works together with JMS adaptor to insert web service request into JMS queue.
  • Ecosway Adaptor
    • retrieve the relevant data and then send it to Web Service Mimic
  • WS Status
    • this component transforms the web service's response and update the respective event log in the database.
  • XML mapper
    • this component transform the bean into XML.

List of software/component used


The installer can be found in:

/home/support/install/installer in cwyrnd3-server server

or you can access the folder through Samba Shared Drive

Name Version
Jboss AS 5.1.0.GA
HornetQ (to be embedded with Jboss) 2.1.2.Final
Sun JDK 1.6.0_21


The source code can be found in:


Name Version
ecosway-commons 1.4-SNAPSHOT
ecosway-adaptor 1.2-SNAPSHOT
ecwyadaptor 0.5-SNAPSHOT
ecwyconnector 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT
ecwyqconnector-batch 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT
jms-adaptor 0.7-SNAPSHOT
soap-adaptor 0.6-SNAPSHOT
us-beans 1.4-SNAPSHOT
ws-mimic 2.6.1-SNAPSHOT
ws-status 1.3-SNAPSHOT


See Installation


See Configuration

Build components from sources

See Build components from sources


See Deployment - Daemon/Batches for batches deployment

See Deployment for webapp or adaptor deployment

See Deployment - Roll Out Plan for rollout/cutover planning

See Deployment - Server Architecture for Server Physical architecture

See Deployment - Deployment Architecture for deployment architecture


See Administration

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago · 47 revisions