


Documentation » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (chin-yeh, 10/27/2010 02:59 PM) → Revision 14/49 (chin-yeh, 10/27/2010 03:03 PM)


 h1. Documentation 

 The main documentation for this project. 

 h2. Load Test Result 

 [[Load Test Prototype|Click here]] to see the result which tested on the prototype. 

 h2. Overview 

 In summary, the QConnector contains the following components: 
 * *JMS Adaptor* 
 ** produce JMS message 
 ** consume JMS message 
 * *SOAP Adaptor* 
 ** forward XML content to web service provider 
 * *Web Service (Dot Com)* 
 ** the request should come from JMS system. 
 * *Web Service Mimic* 
 ** Act as a proxy by receiving the web service request on behalf of the actual web service provider. 
 ** this component works together with JMS adaptor to insert web service request into JMS queue. 
 * *Ecosway Adaptor* 
 ** retrieve the relevant data and then send it to <code>Web Service Mimic</code> 
 * *WS Status* 
 ** this component transforms the web service's response and update the respective event log in the database. 
 * *XML mapper* 
 ** this component transform the bean into XML.