



Deployment Guide - connector-client-utils » History » Revision 3

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chin-yeh, 12/28/2011 02:52 PM

Deployment Guide - connector-client-utils

This guide describes how to deploy web app or standalone java program which depends on connector-client-utils.

  1. checkout the project connector-client-utils and import it into Eclipse workspace.
  2. after imported the project, make sure there's no compilation error.
  3. execute the ant target, archive in the build.xml script
  4. if no error, it will create a binary file called connector-client-utils.jar in the dist folder.
  5. upload the connector-client-utils.jar to:
    • web app:
    • standalone java program:
      your program's library folder
  6. upload all of the jar files in lib folder to:
    • web app:
    • standalone java program:
      your program's library folder
    • if there's duplicate library, use the newer version
  7. done

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago · 3 revisions