Deployment » History » Revision 19
Revision 18 (chin-yeh, 11/26/2010 08:58 AM) → Revision 19/25 (chin-yeh, 11/26/2010 08:59 AM)
h1. Deployment
* Completed [[Installation]] section
* Completed [[Configuration]] section
This section describes how to deploy components/modules to the servers.
Below table summarizes the deployment's tasks:
|ecwyconnector|WAR|Dot Com Mall / QueueSystem|
|ecosway-adaptor|JAR|US Mall|
|ws-mimic|WAR|US Mall / QueueSystem|
|ws-status|WAR|US Mall|
In general, this deployment task involves 2 parts:
# [[Deployment#Upload-properties-files|Upload properties files]]
# [[Deployment#Deploy-WARJAR-file|Deploy WAR/JAR file]]
h2. Upload properties files
*This section is dedicated for the first time deployment only.* For the subsequent deployment, you should update the existing properties files when needed.
All of the properties files can be found in SVN repository:
All of the properties files should store in the directory:
> /data/qconnector
h3. ws-mimic
*List of the properties files to be uploaded:*
* *Note*: replace {environment} with either *production* (for production environment) or *development* (for development environment)
** ** -{environment}/ws-mimic/properties/
** ** -{environment}/ws-mimic/properties/
# see the [[Deployment#Deployment]] section for the deployment target
# upload the following files to */data/qconnector/ws-mimic/* directory via ftp or sftp:
# make sure *everyone* has the read-access to the above files
# done
h3. ecosway-adaptor
*List of the properties files to be uploaded:*
* *Note*: replace {environment} with either *production* (for production environment) or *development* (for development environment)
** ** -{environment}/ecosway-adaptor/properties/
** ** -{environment}/ecosway-adaptor/properties/
** *registration/* -{environment}/ecosway-adaptor/properties/registration/
# see the [[Deployment#Deployment]] section for the deployment target
# upload the following file(s) to */data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/* directory via ftp or sftp:
# upload the following file(s) to */data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/registration/* directory via ftp or sftp:
# make sure *everyone* has the read-access to the above files
# done
h3. ws-status
*List of the properties files to be uploaded:*
* *Note*: replace {environment} with either *production* (for production environment) or *development* (for development environment)
** ** -{environment}/ws-status/properties/
# see the [[Deployment#Deployment]] section for the deployment target
# upload the following file(s) to */data/qconnector/ws-status/* directory via ftp or sftp:
# make sure *everyone* has the read-access to the above files
# done
h2. Deploy WAR/JAR file
* Refer to [[Deployment#Deployment]] section to see the list of available components and deployment target.
* Refer to the [[Documentation#ModulesComponents|Components]] section for the latest component version.
h3. Deploy ecwyconnector
# build the deployment file (see [[Build components from sources]])
# rename the deployment file to *ecwyconnector.war*
# upload the file to target server
** if target server is Jboss AS 4.2.2
*** upload to */usr/local/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/{profile name}/deploy*
# restart jboss
# done
h3. Deploy ecosway-adaptor
See [[Deploy ecosway-adaptor]]
h3. Deploy ws-mimic
# build the deployment file (see [[Build components from sources]])
# rename the deployment file to *ws-mimic.war*
# upload the file to target server
.../jboss5.1.0.GA/server/{profile name}/deploy
# restart jboss
# done
h3. Deploy ws-status
See [[Deploy ws-status]]