


Configuration » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (chin-yeh, 10/28/2010 10:16 AM) → Revision 5/14 (chin-yeh, 10/28/2010 10:37 AM)


 h1. Configuration 

 * Completed the [[Installation]] section. 

 This section describes how to configure the logging and settings on the application server. All of the configuration files can be found from SCM repository: 
 > Production environment: 
 > Development environment: environment 

 h2. log4j (Jboss AS 5 + HornetQ) 

 Describes how to configure the *log4j* logging in Jboss AS 5. 

 *Assumes* that Jboss AS 5 is installed in: 
 > /opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA 

 *List of the configuration *Configuration files needed:* 
 * *note*: replace {environment} with either *production* (for production environment) or *development* (for development environment) 

 # login as jboss user 
 # <code>cd</code> to <code>/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default-with-hornetq/conf</code> 
 $ cd /opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default-with-hornetq/conf 
 # open the *jboss-log4j.xml* 
 $ vi jboss-log4j.xml 
 # append the content of *log4j-appender.xml* (see above) into the *jboss-log4j.xml* 
 # append the content of *log4j-category.xml* (see above) into the *jboss-log4j.xml* 
 # save the file, *jboss-log4j.xml* 
 # restart the jboss 
 # done 


 h2. init script for Jboss AS 5 

 Describes how to configure the <code>init</code> script for Jboss AS in RHEL.