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chin-yeh, 10/28/2010 12:26 PM

Build components from sources

This section describes how to compile and build component from source files.

Most of the projects are built and maintained using Maven and versioning using SVN. Therefore, you should be familiar with the tools below: Requires the following software installed in the build environment: Before continue, please prepare the following information: For demonstrate purpose, we build the following module: Steps:
  1. checkout the project from SVN
    $ svn co
  2. cd to the checkout-ed folder, soap-adaptor
    $ cd soap-adaptor
  3. execute the maven command to compile and build the module:
    $ mvn clean package
    1. You could skip the unit tests but strongly not recommended:
      $ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package
  4. if no error, the binary file of the module can be found in target/{module name}-{module version}.jar, e.g. soapadaptor-0.5.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. done

Updated by chin-yeh almost 14 years ago · 2 revisions