Benchmark » History » Version 11
chin-yeh, 07/06/2011 03:24 PM
1 | 9 | chin-yeh | {{toc}} |
2 | |||
3 | 10 | chin-yeh | h1. Integration Test |
4 | 1 | chin-yeh | |
5 | 5 | chin-yeh | The purpose of this test is to benchmark the *throughout* and *response time* on a fully integrated system but the *asynchronous/background* process will not included, e.g. queue consumer. |
6 | 1 | chin-yeh | |
7 | 9 | chin-yeh | h2. Test Coverage |
8 | |||
9 | 1 | chin-yeh | !test_coverage.jpg! |
10 | |||
11 | 9 | chin-yeh | |
12 | h2. Component Used |
13 | |||
14 | 1 | chin-yeh | |_.Name|_.Version| |
15 | 4 | chin-yeh | |ecosway-commons|1.4-SNAPSHOT| |
16 | |ecosway-adaptor|1.2-SNAPSHOT| |
17 | |ecwyadaptor|0.5-SNAPSHOT| |
18 | |ecwyconnector|0.5-SNAPSHOT| |
19 | |ecwyqconnector-batch|1.4.1-SNAPSHOT| |
20 | |jms-adaptor|0.7-SNAPSHOT| |
21 | |soap-adaptor|0.6-SNAPSHOT| |
22 | 1 | chin-yeh | |us-beans|1.4-SNAPSHOT| |
23 | |ws-mimic|2.6.1-SNAPSHOT| |
24 | |ws-status|1.3-SNAPSHOT| |
25 | 2 | chin-yeh | |
26 | 11 | chin-yeh | h2. Test Tools |
27 | 9 | chin-yeh | |
28 | 5 | chin-yeh | * JMeter |
29 | 2 | chin-yeh | |
30 | 9 | chin-yeh | h2. Test Result |
31 | 1 | chin-yeh | |
32 | 11 | chin-yeh | * Summary of this test[attachment:summary.pdf] |
33 | * Appendix [attachment.appendix.pdf] |