


Administration » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (chin-yeh, 10/29/2010 05:59 PM) → Revision 4/22 (chin-yeh, 04/20/2011 03:56 PM)


 h1. Administration 

 Describes how to administrate the common tasks, for instance, update properties files, change logging level and etc. 

 h2. Monitor Log Files 

 All of the log files can be found in: in : 
 {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/log/qconnector/info.log 
 {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/log/qconnector/error.log 
 {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/log/qconnector/debug.log 

 All of the log files for daemon/batches can be found in: 

 The log file rotates *daily* or every *10MB* for maximum *100 files*. 

 h2. Change Logging Level 

 The available logging level: 
 * *INFO* - default level 
 * *DEBUG* - should not set to this level unless necessary 
 * *ERROR* 
 * *WARN* 

 _JBoss 4.0.x_ 
 > {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/conf/log4j.xml 

 _Jboss 4.2.x / Jboss 5.1.x_ 
 > {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/conf/jboss-log4j.xml 

 h2. Update Properties Files 

 All of the properties files can be found in: 

 h3. ws-mimic 

 List of the properties files: 
 * /data/qconnector/ 
 * /data/qconnector/ 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |ws.url|The URL of the web service which process the request| 
 |status.callback.url|the callback URL of the caller to update the status, e.g. Dot Com mall | 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |jndi.initial|the initial context of the JNDI| 
 |jndi.url|the URL of the JNDI provider (JMS)| 
 |jndi.url.pkgs|the naming packages of the JNDI| 
 |jndi.connection.factory|the JNDI name of the JMS connection factory| 
 |session.cache.size|the number of JMS session to be cached| 
 ||the name of the JMS queue which keeps the web service request| 
 ||the name of the JMS queue which keeps the web service response| 

 h3. ws-status 

 List of the properties files: 
 * /data/qconnector/ws-status/ 

 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |jndi.datasource|the JNDI name of the data source| 
 |db.dialect|the database dialect, e.g. DB2| 
 ||indicates whether to show the SQL used| 
 |db.sql.comment|indicates whether to show the comment of the SQL used| 

 h3. ecosway-adaptor 

 List of the properties file: 
 * /data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/ 
 * /data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/ 
 * /data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/registration/ 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |ws.url|the URL of the web service. Currently this is the URL of the mimic of the actual web service| 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |jndi.datasource|the JNDI name of the data source| 
 |db.dialect|the database dialect, e.g. DB2| 
 ||indicates whether to show the SQL used| 
 |db.sql.comment|indicates whether to show the comment of the SQL used| 

 * *registration/* 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |registration.template|the template of the web service request|