


Administration » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Chooi-Mey, 04/20/2011 05:06 PM) → Revision 11/22 (chin-yeh, 05/05/2011 02:55 PM)


 h1. Administration 

 Describes how to administrate the common tasks, for instance, update properties files, change logging level and etc. 

 h2. User Guide - Batches/Daemon 

 See [[User Guide - Batches/Daemon]] 

 h2. Monitor Log Files 

 All of the log files can be found in: 
 {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/log/qconnector/info.log 
 {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/log/qconnector/error.log 
 {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/log/qconnector/debug.log 

 All of the log files for daemon/batches can be found in: 

 The log file rotates *daily* or every *10MB* for maximum *100 files*. 

 h2. Change Logging Level 

 The available logging level: 
 * *INFO* - default level 
 * *DEBUG* - should not set to this level unless necessary 
 * *ERROR* 
 * *WARN* 

 _JBoss 4.0.x_ 
 > {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/conf/log4j.xml 

 _Jboss 4.2.x / Jboss 5.1.x_ 
 > {jboss folder}/server/{profile name}/conf/jboss-log4j.xml 

 > /usr/ecosway/daemon/qconnector/config/log4j.xml 

 h2. Update Properties Files 

 All of the properties files can be found in: 

 h3. ws-mimic 

 List of the properties files: 
 * /data/qconnector/ 
 * /data/qconnector/ 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |ws.url|The URL of the web service which process the request| 
 |status.callback.url|the callback URL of the caller to update the status, e.g. Dot Com mall | 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |jndi.initial|the initial context of the JNDI| 
 |jndi.url|the URL of the JNDI provider (JMS)| 
 |jndi.url.pkgs|the naming packages of the JNDI| 
 |jndi.connection.factory|the JNDI name of the JMS connection factory| 
 |session.cache.size|the number of JMS session to be cached| 
 ||the name of the JMS queue which keeps the web service request| 
 ||the name of the JMS queue which keeps the web service response| 

 h3. ws-status 

 List of the properties files: 
 * /data/qconnector/ws-status/ 

 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |jndi.datasource|the JNDI name of the data source| 
 |db.dialect|the database dialect, e.g. DB2| 
 ||indicates whether to show the SQL used| 
 |db.sql.comment|indicates whether to show the comment of the SQL used| 

 h3. ecosway-adaptor 

 List of the properties file: 
 * /data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/ 
 * /data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/ 
 * /data/qconnector/ecosway-adaptor/registration/ 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |ws.url|the URL of the web service. Currently this is the URL of the mimic of the actual web service| 

 * ** 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |jndi.datasource|the JNDI name of the data source| 
 |db.dialect|the database dialect, e.g. DB2| 
 ||indicates whether to show the SQL used| 
 |db.sql.comment|indicates whether to show the comment of the SQL used| 

 * *registration/* 
 |_.Property name|_.Description| 
 |registration.template|the template of the web service request| 

 h2. Housekeeping 

 The following files (e.g. log file, report file), which are older than *30-day*, will be deleted: 
 * *application log folder:* 
 ** <pre><<jboss profile>>/log/qconnector</pre> 
 * *daemon/batch log folder:* 
 ** <pre>/var/ecwyconnector</pre> 
 * *output folder of generated report:* 
 ** <pre>/usr/ecosway/daemon/qconnector/reports</pre> 

 h2. Scheduled Task 

 |_.Name|_.Path|_.Scheduled Time| 
 |EventReport|/usr/ecosway/daemon/qconnector/|Daily at 0105|