From 03/14/2011 to 04/12/2011
- 02:49 PM POC - Prototype Bug #97 (Closed): sync data to dotcom database after US Reg
- Tested the revised version of code and the SHOPPER.PROFIT_CENTER sync back correctly to DOT COM.
Thanks - 09:25 AM POC - Prototype Bug #97 (Feedback): sync data to dotcom database after US Reg
- already fixed. this is because the profit_center column was not included in the syncing.
- 02:46 PM POC - Prototype Support #96 (Closed): sync data to dotcom database after registration
- Tested for registration details real-time sync back from US DB to DOT COM, all done.
Except for scenario which regis...
- 11:53 AM POC - Prototype Feature #98 (Closed): Sales web service ready integration
- Sales web services (ecwyconnector ver 0.3.0)is ready for client integration.
Latest copy is deployed to Dev machine... - 11:17 AM POC - Prototype Bug #97 (Closed): sync data to dotcom database after US Reg
- IBO US Reg sync from US DB to DOT COM:-
1. SHOPPER.PROFIT_CENTER indicator is wrong.
Eg. at US DB, SHOPPER.PROFIT_C... - 09:26 AM POC - Prototype Feature #48 (Closed): perform load test on the fully integrated system
- 09:25 AM POC - Prototype Feature #9 (Closed): Dot Com Web Services
- 09:24 AM POC - Prototype Feature #36 (Closed): Dot Com Adaptor
- 09:24 AM POC - Prototype Feature #47 (Closed): Bo Registration WSDL
- 09:23 AM POC - Prototype Feature #50 (Closed): Re-try pending request - daemon
- 06:32 PM POC - Prototype Support #96 (Closed): sync data to dotcom database after registration
- I have just "cloned" the latest US mall for testing purpose. The following modules will sync data to dotcom database:...
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