From 09/27/2010 to 10/26/2010
- 04:34 PM POC - Prototype Feature #43 (Closed): prepare the installation and administration guides
- * how to deploy various components
* how to monitor the various components
* how to change the common properties, e... - 04:30 PM POC - Prototype Feature #34 (Resolved): develop the integration test
- see wiki for the guide of integration test
- 09:13 AM POC - Prototype Feature #34 (Feedback): develop the integration test
- 09:17 AM POC - Prototype Feature #34: develop the integration test
- test the scenarios:
- if could not reach the web service
- reach the web service but encounter fault(soap) exception - 08:56 AM POC - Prototype Feature #33 (Closed): develop a callback to receive synchronzation status
- 09:34 AM POC - Prototype Feature #34 (In Progress): develop the integration test
- 02:34 PM POC - Prototype Feature #36 (Closed): Dot Com Adaptor
- Building Dot Com Adaptor for registration data sync module, in ibatis framework.
Development completed. Pending SIT... - 02:32 PM POC - Prototype Feature #9: Dot Com Web Services
- Pending Integration Testing.
- 05:34 PM POC - Prototype Feature #31 (Closed): integrate queue system with web service provider
- 03:20 PM POC - Prototype Feature #32 (Closed): develop DAO for event table
- 05:04 PM POC - Prototype Feature #31 (In Progress): integrate queue system with web service provider
- 05:02 PM POC - Prototype Feature #30 (Closed): build OXM utility
- checkout the trunk from
- 11:03 AM POC - Prototype Feature #35 (Closed): conduct integration test
- this integration test assumes that the following items are ready:
* ecosway adaptor
* jms adaptor
* web service - 10:59 AM POC - Prototype Feature #34 (Closed): develop the integration test
- build an automated integration test for the integrated components
- 10:43 AM POC - Prototype Feature #33 (Closed): develop a callback to receive synchronzation status
- the status will be updated to event table
- 10:41 AM POC - Prototype Feature #32 (Closed): develop DAO for event table
- develop a DAO for the event table which provides:
* insert
* update
* delete
* retrieve
- 04:56 PM POC - Prototype Feature #31 (Closed): integrate queue system with web service provider
- 04:54 PM POC - Prototype Feature #30 (Closed): build OXM utility
- the utility will be used to serialize object to or from an XML.
- 03:42 PM POC - Prototype Feature #26 (Closed): perform load test
- 06:39 PM POC - Prototype Feature #26 (In Progress): perform load test
- conduct the load test again using the development environment
- 06:36 PM POC - Prototype Feature #27 (Closed): integrate the JMS, Web Service, Adaptor
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