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chin-yeh, 01/16/2012 11:52 AM

Setup Development Environment

This guide describes how to setup the development environment in which contains the following components:
  • Eclipse IDE (Galileo)
  • Jboss AS 4.0.4 (local deployment only)
  • Jboss AS 4.2.2 (local deployment only)
  • Jetty 7.5.1 (local & remote deployment)


  1. Download the following files:
    • test
    • test2

Setup Files

Filename Description
Eclipse Galileo Eclipse IDE
Eclipse Workspace The Eclipse workspace
Jboss AS 4.0.4 Jboss Application Server 4.0.4
Jboss AS 4.2.2 Jboss Application Server 4.2.2
JDK 6.0 Update 23 JDK 6.0 with Update 23 for Windows

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago · 2 revisions