



Setup Development Environment

This guide describes how to setup the development environment which contains the following components:
  • Eclipse IDE (Galileo)
  • Jboss AS 4.0.4 (local deployment only)
  • Jboss AS 4.2.2 (local deployment only)
  • Jetty 7.5.1 (local & remote deployment)

All of the projects requires JDK 6.0.


Note: Refer to the Setup Files section to get all of the required files.

  1. Download and extract the following files to C drive (C:\):
  2. Install the JDK 6.0 Update 23 into c:\program files
  3. Edit eclipse.ini (c:\eclipse_galileo) and confirm if it's pointing to the JDK which installed in the previous step:
    C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_23/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll
  4. Launch the Eclipse IDE (c:\eclipse_galileo\eclipse.exe) and choose the workspace (c:\eclipse_mcom)
  5. Navigate to [Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs] and then make sure the default is JDK, not JRE, and it's pointing to the JDK location that installed in the previous step
  6. Click on the CVS Repository view (located at the left bottom of the workspace) and update the user for all of the repositories:
    • right click on the repository -> Properties -> User
  7. Finally, do a CVS Update on all of the project(s)
    • right click on the project -> Team -> Update
  8. done

Setup Files

Filename Description
Eclipse Galileo Eclipse IDE
Eclipse Workspace The Eclipse workspace
Jboss AS 4.0.4 Jboss Application Server 4.0.4
Jboss AS 4.2.2 Jboss Application Server 4.2.2
JDK 5.0 Update 20 JDK 5.0 with Update 20 for Windows
JDK 6.0 Update 23 JDK 6.0 with Update 23 for Windows

How to Deploy


  1. clean and rebuild the mcom-connector project
  2. open Java EE or Java perspective
  3. [right click on the project] and choose [Debug As -> Run Jetty]
  4. if started, you can access the application via:


  1. clean and rebuild the mcom-connector project
  2. open Java EE or Java perspective
  3. execute the remote-deploy Ant target in the build.xml
    • existing deployment folder will be overwritten
  4. if succeed, you can access the application via:

ActiveMQ Admin URL:

How to Start/Stop ActiveMQ

  1. SSH to the cwyrnd3-server,
  2. cd to this folder:
    $ cd /opt/apache-activemq-5.5.1/bin
  3. execute this command to:
    • start:
      $ ./activemq start
    • stop:
      $ ./activemq stop
  4. done.

How to Debug

  1. add the desired breakpoint(s) on the Java or JSP
  2. open Debug perspective
  3. [right click on the project] and choose [Debug As -> Run Jetty]
  4. if started, you can access the application via the following URL and begin the debug session:

Extra: Refer to this link for more info about the Debugging in Eclipse IDE.

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago · 16 revisions