


Wiki » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (chin-yeh, 10/20/2010 02:59 PM) → Revision 4/10 (chin-yeh, 10/20/2010 03:07 PM)


 h1. Wiki 

 This is the main Wiki for MAXCONNECT Integration project. 

 h2. SCM 

 The CVS repository: 
 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Repository path: d:/source/newZealand-mall 
 module: maxconnect 

 h2. How to build JAR 

 This project uses <code>ANT</code> tool to build the JAR. You can use <code>Eclipse</code> or <code>ANT</code> to run the ant script. The following guide executes the ant script using ANT. 

 h3. For Production 

 ant script: build.xml 
 target name: package 

 # Checkout the project from [[Wiki#SCM|Source repository]] 
 # <code>cd</code> to the checkout-ed folder and executes: 
 # ant package 

 h3. For Development 

 ant script: build.xml 
 target name: package-dev 

 # Checkout the project from [[Wiki#SCM|Source repository]] 
 # <code>cd</code> to the checkout-ed folder and executes: 
 # ant package-dev 

 h2. Specification 

 See [[Specification]]