



Specification » History » Revision 5

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chin-yeh, 10/20/2010 04:55 PM


The chosen integration method is HTML Link Method. By using this method, the customer(consumer) enters her/his credit card information through MAXCONNECT's payment form. Once the payment is processed by MAXCONNECT, the customer will be redirected back to merchant site either through Kick System or Return Button.

See diagram.pdf for the high level view of the payment flow.

Java Package Name

The package name is

Required libraries

List of the required libraries:
  • junit 4.7
  • 2

How to build JAR

This project uses ANT tool to build the JAR. You can use Eclipse or ANT to run the ant script. The following guide executes the ant script using ANT.

For Production

ant script: build.xml
target name: package
  1. Checkout the project from Source repository
  2. cd to the checkout-ed folder and executes:
    # ant package

For Development

ant script: build.xml
target name: package-dev
  1. Checkout the project from Source repository
  2. cd to the checkout-ed folder and executes:
    # ant package-dev

Updated by chin-yeh almost 14 years ago · 5 revisions