


Wiki » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Soh Keong, 08/22/2022 10:45 AM) → Revision 3/10 (Soh Keong, 08/22/2022 11:08 AM)


 h1. Wiki 

 h1. Steps 

 1 Test SMS content in DEVELOPMENT to determine is ONE Sms. 

 Sample Script: 
 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP SendSmsByFile siugeng.csv "COSWAY: Your membership is now auto-renewed. Get a FREE Gift & RM20 eVoucher. Your MEMBER ID is the voucher code. Valid till 31/1/22. Shop now. T&C apply." 
 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP SendSmsByFile siugeng.csv "COSWAY: Your membership is now auto-renewed. Get a FREE Gift & RM20 eVoucher. Your MEMBER ID is the voucher code. Valid till 31/1/22. Shop now. T&C apply." 
 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP SendSmsByFile siugeng.csv "COSWAY:Your membership is now auto-renewed.Enjoy Loyalty Rewards & get your CURRENCY_SIGN10 eVoucher. Your MEMBER ID is the voucher code.Valid till 31/1/22.T&C apply." 

 Parameter 1; shopper mobile no.list(siugeng.csv using Siu Geng Mobile no.)    ; format:    mobile_no,shopper_ref_no  
 Parameter 2; SMS content 
 For Singapore SMS with display currency by “CURRENCY_SIGN” instant “$” 
 * Avoid special Character in content 

 Run script: 
 “Parts” : 1     = 1 SMS 

 Check with CM gen report from ginata account portal, to confirm cost (0.0176) = 1 SMS 

 2 Copy a mobile no. list to from EXCEL to text file. 

 3.    Copy txt file to src-cosway class path At LIVE; 

 4.    Run script 
 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP GetShopperRefNoForSmsByFile "AUTO_RENEWAL_FOR_LOYALTY_SET_MY_phone_only.txt" 

 Return bottom unwant data, just want mobile_no & shopper_ref_no  

 5.    Copy the output file to class path. 

 Sample run script: 

 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP SendSmsByFile "AUTO_RENEWAL_FOR_LOYALTY_SET_MY.txt" "COSWAY: Your membership is now auto-renewed. Get a FREE Gift & RM20 eVoucher. Your MEMBER ID is the voucher code. Valid till 31/1/22. Shop now. T&C apply." 
 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP SendSmsByFileBR "AUTO_RENEWAL_FOR_LOYALTY_SET_BR.txt" "COSWAY: Your membership is now auto-renewed. Get a FREE Gift & RM20 eVoucher. Your MEMBER ID is the voucher code. Valid till 31/1/22. Shop now. T&C apply." 
 $JAVA_PATH/java -classpath $CP SendSmsByFileSG "AUTO_RENEWAL_FOR_LOYALTY_SET_SG.txt" "COSWAY:Your membership is now auto-renewed.Enjoy Loyalty Rewards & get your CURRENCY_SIGN10 eVoucher. Your MEMBER ID is the voucher code.Valid till 31/1/22.T&C apply." 