



EAccount Adjustment


1. Format excel file to correct format

2. Make sure amount format Not comma(,) thousand and 2 decimal
3. upload file to src-ecos

4. put the script /script/

upward / downward

eg. upward :
#/usr/java/jdk/bin/java -classpath $CP eAccountUpwardAdjustment eacct_adj_list_TPM_03_01_2022_AutoPay_wani_up.xls

eg. downward:
#/usr/java/jdk/bin/java -classpath $CP eAccountDownwardAdjustment eacct_adj_list_TPM_03_01_2022_AutoPay_wani_down.xls

5. run script /script/

6. check db record in transaction table:
select * from TRANSACTION_032022 where TRX_CODE = '2300' and TRX_DATE = '2022-03-03' and USER_ID = 'System'

7. compile record to new excel file.

8. check sum value is same :
select SUM from TRANSACTION_032022 where TRX_CODE = '2300' and TRX_DATE = '2022-03-03' and USER_ID = 'System'

9. check exception file at path:

Updated by Soh Keong over 2 years ago ยท 1 revisions