



Session 1 - CHOO CHIN YEH » History » Revision 8

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chin-yeh, 02/28/2012 04:11 PM

Session 1 - CHOO CHIN YEH


In this session we will walk-through about how eCosway integrated with the external systems, e.g. UPS. The external systems can be divided into the following categories:
  • Payment Gateway/Payment Processor
  • Third-Party
  • Taiwan Services



This knowledge sharing session is expected to be completed within a month.

Date Activity Description
1st Week (1 to 2 hours) Briefing & Introduction Walk-through all of the systems
1st Week (1-3 days) Handover Handover the development & support related tasks
2nd Week Skills Development Introduces what specific skills are needed to handle handover-ed tasks
3rd-4th Week Handover Follow-Up Examine the handover progress and give advise when necessary

Session Details

Payment Gateway:
Project/System Project Status Remark Acknowledgement (Teo) Completed
Easypay Completed
GlobalCollect Completed
MaxConnect Completed
MiGS Completed
mPay On-Going Pending online mall integration
NMI On-Going Pending for the green-light from finance
Project/System Project Status Remark Acknowledgement (Teo)
AvaTax Completed
UPS Completed
MCOM New Pending for the requirements
Taiwan Services:
Project/System Project Status Remark Acknowledgement (Teo)
DP Completed
SP Completed
VP Completed
Project/System Project Status Remark Acknowledgement (Teo)
Nagios Completed
Korea MLM Union Completed
Bugzilla Feedback No follow up needed
Offline Batch Feedback No follow up needed
Connector Feedback No further development needed

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago · 8 revisions locked