


Session 1 - CHOO CHIN YEH » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (chin-yeh, 02/28/2012 02:38 PM) → Revision 4/24 (chin-yeh, 02/28/2012 02:56 PM)


 h1. Session 1 - CHOO CHIN YEH 

 h2. Introduction 

 In this session we will walk-through about how eCosway integrated with the external systems, _e.g. UPS_. The external systems can be divided into the following categories: 
 * Payment Gateway/Payment Processor 
 * Third-Party 
 * Taiwan Services 

 h2. Participant 

 * Kwan, Chooi-Mey [] 
 * Teo, Chai-Hong [] 

 h2. Timetable 

 This knowledge sharing session is expected to be completed within a month. 

 |1st Week _(1 to 2 hours)_|Briefing & Introduction|Walk-through all of the systems| 
 |1st Week _(1-3 days)_|Handover|Handover the development & support related tasks| 
 |2nd Week|Skills Development|Introduces what specific skills are needed to handle handover-ed tasks| 
 |3rd-4th Week|Handover Follow-Up|Examine the handover progress and give advise when necessary| 

 h2. Session Details 

 _Payment Gateway:_ 
 |_.Project/System|_.Project Status|_.Remark|_.Acknowledgement (Teo)| 
 |mPay|On-Going|Pending online mall integration|| 
 |NMI|On-Going|Pending for the green-light from finance|| 

 |_.Project/System|_.Project Status|_.Remark|_.Acknowledgement (Teo)| 
 |MCOM|New|Pending for the requirements|| 

 _Taiwan Services:_ 
 |_.Project/System|_.Project Status|_.Remark|_.Acknowledgement (Teo)| 

 |_.Project/System|_.Project Status|_.Remark|_.Acknowledgement (Teo)| 
 |Bugzilla|Feedback|No follow up needed|| 
 |Korea MLM Union|Completed||| 
 |Offline Batch|Feedback|No follow up needed|| 
 |Connector|Feedback|No further development needed|| 