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Soh Keong, 01/06/2021 02:23 PM



See Specification

Status Code

Code Message Description
1 Invalid request Missing mandatory input parameter or input data is invalid.
2 System error Internal error related to database interaction or routing.
3 System busy Ginota gateway is busy in delivering messages.
4 Destination address unreachable The destination number cannot be identified as it is not associated to any supported country by Ginota or is in incorrect
7 Access denied The API Key and API Secret is either unavailable, inactive or invalid in Ginota.
(Note: Both values are case sensitive and value of API Key has been URL-encoded)
21 Invalid source address The alphanumeric support feature is not set up for your account.
22 Invalid destination address The routing of destination number is not set up for your account.
23 Invalid message Message content appears to be an empty string.
24 Message too long Message content exceeds message size limits of Ginota.
25 Contains banned words Message content is rejected due to suspected banned words used.
27 Destination address blacklisted The destination number has been blacklisted.
28 Destination address not whitelisted Whitelist feature is enabled for your account. This destination number is not whitelisted.
41 Invalid account Invalid account in billing engine.
44 Insufficient balance Your account balance is insufficient to send out the SMS created/scheduled.

Merchant's Account Details

Production :


Host: cwapp4 [IP address:]
Path: /cvs/ecoswayNew
Module: SmsClient

Updated by Soh Keong over 3 years ago · 1 revisions