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chin-yeh, 06/28/2011 05:35 PM

Using jmx-console & tomcat status (production)

In production environment, the Jboss application server listens to IP, and port 8080. In order to use the jmx-console through VPN, one must redirect the traffic in the port 8080 to a specific port. In this guide, the port, 9999 will be used for this purpose.


  1. login to the server via ssh which has jmx-console running
  2. cd to /tmp
    $ cd /tmp
  3. locate the file, backpipe
    1. if exists, skip and proceed to next step
    2. if not exists, execute(without the dollar sign):
      $ mknod backpipe p
  4. execute the following command for port traffic redirection(without the dollar sign):
    $ nc -l -p 9999 0<backpipe | nc 8080 1>backpipe
  5. launch web browser and navigate to the jmx-console:
    e.g. http://<<vpn IP address>>:9999/jmx-console/
  6. done
  • [Important Note] You may need to re-execute the command in step 4 periodically should it get terminated.
  • [Important Note] One should use it for troubleshooting purpose only, not monitoring.

Example URLs for jmx-console & tomcat status

  • List of currently serving web request:
    http://<<ip address>>:9999/status?full=true
  • Connection pool usage:
    http://<<ip address>>:9999/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss.jca%3Aservice%3DManagedConnectionPool%2Cname%3D<<connection pool name>>
    ip address - IP address of the server
    connection pool name - the name of the connection pool
  • Thread Dump & memory usage:
    http://<<ip address>>:9999/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss.system%3Atype%3DServerInfo

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago · 3 revisions